
Temiskaming Municipal Services Association

The Temiskaming Municipal Services Association (TMSA) is comprised of twenty one municipalities in the Temiskaming District of Ontario. The TMSA provides building department services including permitting, building inspections, and building code enforcement. For further questions and information, please contact the Chief Building Official at:

35-A 10th Street Earlton ON P0J 1E0
F 1-705-563-2093

APPLICATION: You can obtain an Application for a Building Permit by visiting the Municipal Office, or by clicking on the link below.
Building Permit Application – Hudson

SITE PLAN: Along with the application, a site plan is required showing the following: existing buildings, neighbouring homes, road names near property, septic system location, new building location, and distances from all of the above to the new building. See links below for a sample site plan, and template.
Site Plan-Template

DEPOSIT: A non-refundable deposit of $90 is also required with all building and demolition permit applications.  This should be provided to the Township with the application, in the form of cash or cheque.

LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION: A contractor/builder/agent can apply for a building permit on behalf of the owner by having the “Letter of Authorization” filled out, signed and sent in with the building application.  You can obtain a copy of this form by clicking on the link below.
Letter of Authorization