
Planning is the process of managing and directing land use to ensure efficient use of land and resources for the long-term viability and vitality of the Municipality.

Planning in Ontario is governed by the Province through the Planning Act. The Planning Act sets out the processes that the Municipality must follow when processing, reviewing, and undertaking planning-related projects and applications. The Planning Act also requires that planning recommendations and decisions must be consistent with other policy statements issued by the Provincial Government, such as the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario. Further information on planning and planning-related matters and legislation is available from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Ministry of Housing.

To apply for a severance, an amendment to the official plan, or an amendment to the zoning by-law, print and fill out the appropriate application.  The completed application must be returned to the Municipal Office along with the applicable planning fees. (see below)

1 – Application for Amendment to Official Plan and or Zoning By-Law

2 – Application for Consent -Severance

3 – Application for Deeming By-law

4 – Application for Minor Variance

Planning Fees

1 – Zoning By-law Amendment                       $2,450.00

2 – Consent Application – Severance           $2,250.00

3- Amendment to Official Plan                        $2,950.00

4 – Application for Minor Variance                $1,450.00